Confirmations in Our Parish
Confirmation is the step in our Christian lives where we make for ourselves the vows that were made for us at our baptism. In confirmation, we take on the mantle of living the Christian faith as an adult or young adult.
For that reason, it is recommended that confirmation take place no earlier than the age of 12. However, young people may start preparing for confirmation at the age of 11. (Please note, confirmation is no longer necessary before taking Holy Communion at church, but is very meaningful and highly recommended for all Anglicans.)
The confirmation classes take about six months and involve excellent DVD presentations such as Christianity Explored or Alpha and Youth Alpha. Along with videos, there are discussions and catechism. We seek to give every confirmand a foundation for Christian life in thought, word and deed.
Please speak to our clergy if you have never been confirmed and wish to be. You may also be baptized prior to and/or on your confirmation date.