St. James Anglican Church, Maitland
20 Church Street, Maitland Ontario
Hall Tel:
Worship Services:
Every Sunday, 11 am. Holy Communion most Sundays.
*Note: on each 5th Sunday of the month, we worship with other Anglican churches; location varies. Please call our clergy, Rev Jon F. Lavelle, for info: 613-340-0177
Exit the 401 Highway on Exit #705, head South off the ramp,
proceed onto Church Street. Church is on the right.
A Warm Welcome to St. James Church, “The Church of the Chimes”
St. James Anglican Church of Maitland is fondly known as the Church of the Chimes because of the magnificent new carillon, dedicated in 2011. This church is as unique in atmosphere as it is in historical value and design. From this balcony, organ and guitar music fills the sanctuary and nave, Sunday by Sunday for our 11 am Communion services. The Carillon chimes every noon and 6 pm, featuring Westminster chimes followed by hymns.
This church features a marvellous Harry Horwood stained glass windows behind the altar: Jesus the Good Shepherd. Also, a window with the likeness of Jesus standing at the door, knocking is located on the south side of the altar. In the evenings, these are lit by floodlight from the inside providing a beautiful reminder to all passersby. The congregants take turns decorating the windows with festive flowers, fruits and wreaths during harvest festival and Christmas. Come by, see us and share with us in worship. A warm welcome is given to all our guests and we’d be blessed to have you join us for services.
A Short History:
On April 20th, 1826, an agreement between trustees and builders promised a church “with 28 single pews, 10 double pews and ‘free seating in the gallery.” So the plans for St. James Maitland were born. The Rev. Robert Blakey, a Yorkshire priest provided the leadership. Stonemason, John Shepherd built a stone church that resembles a Georgian meeting house with a wood-capped Norman-like tower. It is wonderful to realize that worship has been held here since approximately 1827. This idyllic country church features a remarkable stained glass window of Jesus the Good Shepherd, by famous craftsman Harry Horwood of Prescott whose work is featured in Chrysler Hall of Upper Canada Village.
Youth and Children:
Children learn to worship with their families at our church, and as soon as they like, we encourage them to take active parts serving, singing, or other ways. St. James is a major supporter of our youth work. The youth group (AGES 12 plus) meets every Tuesday night, 5-7 pm, at St. John’s Church hall, Prescott, with Johanna Freer, A youth for Christ worker. We also offer parish mission trips for youth and family each year, to national and international destinations. Children’s Sunday school available upon request to clergy. Come and Grow in Faith with us.
Hall Rentals:
A lovely hall with modern kitchen and two restrooms (seating approx. 80 for meals) is available for rentals through Rosalie Manhard 613-348-3778.
Cemetery Plots and Info:
St. James Cemetery is located conveniently alongside the church; this gorgeous, tree-lined church yard still offers plots for sale at reasonable prices through Mr. Milton Harding, 613-925-3072
Lords Mills Cemetery:
For info, call Mr. Milton Harding, 613-925-3072.